C.I.N.E.S. Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supérieur

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Our glossary

This glossary aims to unite and define words and concepts used in the context of digital archiving as understood at CINES.

Reference: ISO 9000: 2000

Set of interrelated tasks constituting a processing step of the process. When relevant, an activity is described in all or part of a procedure.

Reference: OAIS

Archival Information Package (OAIS) – Package of archived information. Package information stored in an OAIS and consists of information content and information (PDI) associated.

Digital Archiving
Reference: NF Z 42-013

All actions to identify, collect, classify, preserve, communicate and retrieve electronic documents, as long as necessary to satisfy legal requirements or needs for information or heritage purposes.

Archiving heritage
Reference: CINES (Archivist)

Archiving the legacy of the generations that preceded us and that we must pass on intact to future generations. This requires archiving to sustain content services regardless slopes, gather more metadata and representation information.

Reference: OAIS

Agency to keep the information to allow a target user community to access and use.

Digital Archives
Reference: CINES (Archivist)

Packet of information received, stored and communicated by an archive. It is composed of data and metadata.

Data content, that is to say, or digital objects which are the main object of the perpetuation;
Information which reflect the representational content of the data concepts more explicit (eg the definition of ASCII describes how a sequence of bits is converted into characters).
Information for sustainability, that is to say the information necessary for effective storage of content information (origin, identification, integrity, context …).
The content of data and information representation form the corresponding information content.

Reference: CINES (Archivist)

Electronic filing software published by the company Infotel and used by the CINES PAC department. Archiving infrastructure technologies as Arcsys can handle the basics of archiving, namely: openness, continuity, scalability, traceability, integrity and security.

Knowledge Base
Reference: OAIS

A collection of information previously acquired by a person or a system to understand the information received.

Community of Users target
Reference: OAIS

Identified group of potential users, which may include a given set of information. The target user community may consist of several user communities.

Archive communication
Reference: CINES (Archivist)

Provision of a copy of an archive by the archive service to an applicant for records with the authorization if necessary, the service producer and service review body.

Reference: NF Z 42-013

A set of bits characteristic of a digital document. The imprint is obtained by a hash function. Any changes to the digital document will reveal that a different impression change compared with the first stamp.

DCMI – Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
Reference: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative

Generic metadata schema used by the service CAP, which allows the description of physical or digital resources and establish relationships with other resources. It includes 15 items officially formal description (title, creator, publisher), intellectual (subject, description, language, …) and related intellectual property. It is the object of the international standard ISO 15836 and is employed by the World Health Organization and other intergovernmental organizations. It has an official status within the W3C and ISO 23950.

Reference: OAIS

Dissemination Information Package – Package of information disseminated. Package information received by the user in response to its request to the archive. This package comes with one or more AIP.

Reference: OAIS

Formalized representation of information, suitable for communication, interpretation or processing. Example: a sequence of bits, an array of numbers, characters of a page, a recording of words or a sample of lunar rock.

Digital format
Reference: CINES (expertise formats)

A format is a convention for representing a given. It can be:

Specified: the agreement is sufficiently described to develop a complete implementation.
Open: the specifications are public and unrestricted access or implementation.
Normalized: the specification is validated by a standards body (eg ISO, W3C).
Standardized: if the use of the format is very common (Note: standard English means standard).
Owner: within the sphere of private law. The readability and operation of this format depends on the owner.

Elimination of an archive
Reference: CINES (Recorder)

Removal and disposal of an archive system of records or at the request of the archive, or at the request of the service producer and / or competent inspection service.

Accuracy of a document
Reference: NF Z42-013

A document is considered faithful to the original document if it can reconstruct all the information necessary for the purposes for which the original document was intended.

Formats Expertises
Reference: CINES (expertise formats)

Business Process CINES which includes intelligence activities on formats, management of these formats, management controllers input formats of the Archive …

Proactive management of risks
Reference: CINES (Recorder)

All measures taken to anticipate and prevent problems before they actually occur. Within the CAP service, the management takes the form of a risk management plan, consisting of a checklist and structured risk, table description, evaluation and mitigation of risk (tracking chart ), and a document requirements of the Plan of risk management.

Reference: OAIS

All knowledge can be exchanged. During the exchange, it is represented by data. Example: a string of bits as numbers representing temperature measurements in degrees Celsius (the representation information).

Package information
Reference: OAIS

Information to link and identify components of an information pack.

Information of sustainability – PDI
Reference: OAIS
(Package Dissemination Information)
Information for proper preservation of information content, which can be decomposed into provenance information, identification, integrity and context.

Information of representation
Reference: OAIS

Information reflecting data content into concepts more explicit. Example: the definition of ASCII describes how a sequence of bits is converted into characters.

Reference: 42-013 NF Z

Structured set of technical, management and description attached to a document used to describe the features of this document to facilitate its identification, its management, its use or preservation.

Logic migration
reference: CINES (Recorder)

Transfer of digital information within an archive system in order to perpetuate. The migration process includes all the logic steps for converting a file format not considered sustainable in another format considered permanent, to ensure the readability of the information contained in the file.

Related Term: Format Conversion (NF Z42-013). Operation of converting the document in a format different from that in which it was previously encoded. It must preserve the fidelity of the document.

OAIS – Open Archival Information System
Reference: OAIS

Open system for archiving information. Conceptual model for the management, archiving and long-term preservation of digital materials, which relied on to build its platform CINES PAC. The OAIS is officially responsible for maintaining the information and make it available to a target user community.

Reference: CINES

Platform for Archiving CINES.

Reference: OAIS

Made of long-term storage of information in correct form and immediately understandable.

Archiving Policy
Reference: NF Z 42-013

Requirements in legal terms, functional, operational, technical and security, a system for archiving electronic internal or external must meet so that it can be considered as meeting the needs expressed by the company or organization that implements. The P2A (Policy and Practices archiving) is a document that is based archiving policy of CINES.

Reference: Internet

A document that describes and formalizes the tasks required to implement the process. It is a document of support and communication bringing to the attention of all key processes of the organization.

Reference: NF EN ISO 9001 V2000 (adopted for the formalization of the business process repository CAP)

Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs.

Reference: Project team ITIL-1 CINES (definition not yet validated). To use extended to all CINES.

General specification of a sequence profession ensuring a safe transition between an input state and one output state B. The process describes the sequence of steps to achieve, regardless of the organization and “who does what.

Reference: CINES (Recorder)

Any person or entity, public or private, who produced, received and kept records / archives in the exercise of its business.

Archive restitution
Reference: NF Z 42-013

All mechanisms for finding and releasing the documents to the digital agency that produced it or its constituents, then destroy them permanently within its archiving system.

Archiving service
Reference: CINES (Recorder)

At CINES, an archive CAP is responsible for receiving documents to archive, preserve and ensure their sustainability (readability, integrity ,…) to allow a community of users / service applicant for access them and use them.

Control Service
Reference: CINES (Recorder)

A person or entity that performs control scientific, legal and technical documents archived, and possibly valid requests for access to archives.

Applicant Services
Reference: CINES (Recorder)

Any person or client system in connection with the archives to find archived information of interest, and to access detailed information in respect of the relevant legislation on access to archives.

Data submission service
Reference: Association of French Archivists

Any service which transfers administrative records in his possession in an archive, that he has himself produced (known as producer services) or that he has inherited from a service he has or not over the responsibilities.

Reference: OAIS

Submission Information Package (OAIS) – Package information to pay. Package information supplied by the producer to the OAIS for the development of one or more AIP.

Electronic Archive System (EAS)
Reference: NF Z 42-013

System is to receive, store, communicate, and archive and restore based on a platform. By extension, we often speak of electronic archiving platform.

Third archiver
Reference: NF Z 42-013

Person or entity who is responsible for the account of others, to ensure and guarantee digital preservation.

Reference: CINES (Recorder)

Physical transfer of an archive or an archive service by paying to an archive.

Reference: Association of French Archivists

Operation by which material and intellectual responsibility for the archival records of the administration to pass a service records center or archive service, or service records center in an archive. The term also, by extension, the documents transferred at once.