C.I.N.E.S. Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supérieur

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Opening of the new Web Helpdesk Ticketing System

CINES open a direct access to the helpdesk interface from his web site.

By clicking on the green button « Assistance en ligne » on the right part of the principal menu, you can have access to the helpdesk ticketing system of the CINES. It will allow you to signal new problem, ask for some help from our expert team, ask for access to resources at the CINES, or ask questions about the services we offer.

After the connexion (identical login and passowrd as for all our services), you can ;

  • open a ticket
  • read all your tickets
  • discuss with our team
  • close one of your ticket

If you don’t have an account at the CINES, you can still contact our helpedsk service by mail at svp@cines.fr or by phone 33 467 141 499.

To open your first ticket, you can follow the procedure beneath :

After your identification on the login window, a new window ask you to open your first ticket :


If you click on the button “Create your first ticket”, this will open a new window with two fields to be filled :


Once the subject and the details are filled with maximum informations, you just have to click on the button “Soumettre” at the bottom of the page to finalize and send us the ticket. At this moment, all our team can view your ticket can give you a first answer as soon as possible.


One time that you have a valid ticket, another window can show you all yours open tickets :


We hope that this new service, with a more flexible approach than a simple mail, will be more convenient on the exchanges between you and the CINES.