Launched in September 2019, PHIDIAS– Prototype HPC /Data Infrastructure for On-Demand Services– is a project co-funded by the EU’s European Interconnection Facility focused on the development and practical realization of a set of interdisciplinary HPC-based services and tools. This is to enable Earth systems science to exploit large datasets of European public interest provided by satellite Earth observation. They will provide FAIR(Easy to Find, Accessible Interoperable and Reusable) access to these processed datasets as well as value-added services; from “standard” data processing applied to heterogeneous Big-Data datasets, to more advanced services such as AI or on-demand HPC called “urgent computing”.
PHIDIAS will develop and propose a catalog allowing users to discover and access data, but also relevant open source software, public APIs and interactive processing services. This catalogue will implement interoperable services for the discovery, access and processing of the data, and be connected to other major data repositories such as the Portail Européen de Données, GEOSS, NextGEOSS and EOSC. PHIDIAS will also implement an end-user web common interactive processing service based on notebook and datacube technologies.
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For the first time in its history, CINES will assume the role of Coordinatorof a European collaborative project bringing together 13 partners in a Consortium mixing public research structures and private companies; adding to its expertise as a national data center a stature of leader of an ambitious project of over 2 million euros.
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