As part of its activity preservation of digital heritage, the PAC team of Archiving and Dissemination participates in various working groups:
At national level :
PIN Group (sustainability of digital information) in Aristote association
- Place of meeting and exchange between computer scientists, archivists and librarians, led by CINES, BnF, DAF and CNES
- Quarterly meetings (about 30 regular participants)
- A website:
- Specialized training (two sessions per year)
- Sub-working group “digital preservation” in the SNB ( numeric schemas of libraries)
- Meeting place of experts and stakeholders in the conservation of digital documents
- Monthly Meetings
- The group’s recommendations have fed areport commissioned by the Minister of Culture at the BnF
At international level:
- European synergy of several projects :
- DPE (Digital Preservation Europe) :
- CASPAR (Cultural, Artistic and Scientific knowledge for Preservation, Access and Retrieval) :
- PLANETS (Preservation and Long-term Access through NETworked Services) :
- The CINES Referenced Competency Center for archiving by the DPE
- Participation in seminars and training (PLATO, DRAMBORA)
- French translation of articles for the DPE
- European Initiative for coordinating the establishment of a European infrastructure for the permanent archiving of scientific data.
CINES is member of Data Seal of Approval board DSA from 2009 (he received his certification in 2011).
Some publications, in which CINES has contributed, may also be suggested, including:
- « Archivage et stockage pérennes », under the direction of Corinne Leblond, ed. Lavoisier : Paris, 2009.
- « Longévité de l’information numérique – Les données que nous voulons garder vont-elles s’effacer ? », Report of a Joint Working Group, Academy of Science and Academy of Technology, for which the CINES was heard , March 2010.
- « Guide méthodologique pour le choix de formats numériques pérennes dans un contexte de données orales et visuelles », written by CINES, under the direction of SIAF, with the support of TGE-ADONIS, May 2010.