C.I.N.E.S. Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supérieur

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VNC interactive sessions

The following command allows you to access the vizualisation service frontal node :

$ ssh <user>@visu.cines.fr

The « vizalloc» command allows only one session at a time. The active sessions can be listed by the command « vizqueue». To terminate a session, please type the command « vizcancel».

By default, a session will last 30 minand the maximum duration can not exceed 6 hours.

The following command will open a session if the resource is available :

$ vizalloc -m vnc

In such a case, the allocated node name is shown as follows VNC:

Visualisation JOB : 5072415 submitted, waiting for resources...
Service started on server : visu2.cines.fr:1
Begin time: 2019-01-20T12:34:00
End time  : 2019-01-20T13:04:00 

Connection to the allocated node :
A client VNC tool is needed ( vncviewer-java) in order to connect to your session.

Be careful to use those made for java (vncviewer-java) because of the encoding protocol only supported by it. You can download a version here. You can download a java version here.


Here follows an example :

Authenticate yourself with your usual login and password :


The access of your interactive graphic session is obtained.